
The blog features several series of exercises, which are best appreciated when considered in sequential order, based on your level of experience with the topics.

* indicates post features a Best Practice Tip

Getting Started

The Game Changer
Installing Power Query

Power Query

Intro to Power Query series, Treasury report

Load Data*
Process GL Data*
PowerBI and PowerPivot*
Process Bank Account Listing*
Merge: Power Query's VLOOKUP
The Reward Month 2

Power Query tips & tricks

Choose your own Data Adventure*
Remove duplicates
Joins conceptually
Joins illustration*
The Power of Unpivot
Measures: Right & Wrong

Power Pivot tips & tricks

Distinguishing datasets in Power Pivot


As mentioned in the post, PowerBI and Power Pivot, PowerBI combines Power Query & Power Pivot with a visualization application. As such, all above posts apply to PowerBI. Below posts are PowerBI specific. 

Excel and other tips & tricks

What's killing my Excel?*
A table is not a Table

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1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that the blog has been beneficial to you and your team. Please don't hesitate to reach out if there are any specific challenges or examples I can write about to help in your journey around these Power Tools.
