2 files, 1 Pivot Table: Power Pivot

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What if you could take 2 (or 20) files and analyze them in a single Pivot Table?

Power Pivot provides the ability to analyze multiple files together in one Pivot Table along with additional data analytic tools and reporting functionalities.  And, Power Pivot, operates within the Excel and Pivot Tables you already know and love.

Intro to Power Pivot series

From this Intro to Power Pivot series, I hope you will become as enamored with Power Pivot as I have.

The scenario for this exercise series will feel familiar to most accountants and analysts: there is a budget file and an actual file, which use different formats, and you need a report showing the variance by month.

At the end of the series, you will be able to produce the following Pivot Table.

The series will teach the 5 core steps to robust Data Models using Power Pivot:

These 5 core steps are covered over several posts as follows:
  • Installing Power Pivot
  • Creating a Date Table [load Lookup Table]
  • Building relationships [load Data Table][build relationship][Pivot]
  • 2 Data Tables on 1 Pivot Table
  • Measures [write Measures]

Select the Next post link below to get started.

Prior post: Joins illustration
Next post: Installing Power Pivot

💬 Already using Power Pivot?  What advice do you have for new users? Comment below.

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