The Reward, Month 2

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The reward for the previous set-up comes as soon as you get a new GL or bank account file.

Choose Month 2 data

The Month 2 GL and bank account files are saved in the SOLUTION Merge file.  Unhide the worksheet, Data, to find the Month 2 data.

Copy and paste the Month 2 data over each of the tables, or if working with your own file, paste the Month 2 data over the original source files saved in the Load Data exercise.


Place your cursor anywhere in the Report Table.  Right click, and refresh.

Update the "As of" date in the report header, and the report is ready for analysis.

Life before Power Query

Treasury adding a new column to the Bank Account Listing would have tested most native Excel solutions.

Solutions using VLOOKUP would need to be modified.

If you compare the Month1 and Month2 reports, it's obvious the only change was the Balance.  However, in native Excel, you would have to either visually compare or perform some functions to ensure there were no additional changes needed.

This is a simple example with only 4 accounts.  Imagine working with a much larger dataset with many more changes each month.

In this lesson, you learned:
  • Life after learning Power Query will never be the same.


Prior post: Merge: Power Query's VLOOKUP
Next post: Choose your own Data Adventure

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